Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from
Una to Bhuj
Kodinar to Bhuj
Una (GJ) ---- Kesariya (GJ) ---- Kodinar (GJ) ---- Moradiya ---- Pransli ---- Prachi ---- Ajotha ---- Somnath (GJ) ---- Veraval ---- Keshod ---- Junagad/ Junagadh (GJ) ---- Vadal ---- Jetalsar ---- Jetpur (GJ) ---- Pithadia ---- Pithadia Toll Plaza ---- Virpur ---- Chordi ---- Gondal (GJ) ---- Bharudi Toll Plaza (GJ) ---- Pipaliya ---- Ribda ---- Shapar ---- Rajkot (GJ) ---- Gavridad ---- Mitana ---- Tankara ---- Virpar ----- Morbi (GJ) ---- Khirai ---- Maliya (GJ) ---- Nayara filling station, Anil Automobiles, 8C24+RP5, NH41, Vondh, GJ 370140 ---- Bhachau (GJ) ---- Sikara ---- Amardi ---- Dudhai ---- Bhuj (GJ)
Distance From To:
Una to Bhuj
(Una_Bhuj) = 506 kms.
Kodinar to Bhuj
(Kodinar_Bhuj) = 464 kms.
Una to Kesariya
(Una_Kesariya) = 12 kms.
Kesariya to Kodinar
(Kesariya_Kodinar) = 30 kms.
Kodinar to Somnath
(Kodinar to Somnath) = 42 kms.
Somnath to Veraval
(Somnath_Veraval) = 4 kms.
Veraval to Keshod
(Veraval_Keshod) = 45 kms.
Keshod to Junagadh
(Keshod_Junagadh) = 37 kms.
Junagadh to Jetpur
(Junagadh_Jetpur) = 32 kms.
Jetpur to Gondal
(Jetpur_Gondal) = 32 kms.
Gondal to Rajkot
(Gondal_Rajkot) = 37 kms.
Rajkot to Morbi
(Rajkot_Morbi) = 65 kms.
Morbi to Bhachau
(Morbi_Bhachau) = 90 kms.
Bhachau to Bhuj
(Bhachau_Bhuj) = 80 kms.
* Gujarat Trails
Note: These are user generated best routes.
Abbreviations used:
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.
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* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit.
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