Friday, 28 February 2025

Who got what from/at the Mahakumbh 2025

Everyone got what they wanted from/ at the Mahakumbh 2025 which drew 66 crores people for a dip at the Sangam in Prayagraj between 2025-01-13 and 2025-02-26. 
The vultures found loads of dead bodies, the pigs found loads of trash, the poor found employment, the rich found business opportunities, devotees found perfect arrangements, tourists found mayhem, the right thinking citizens found no religious divide, socially responsible people found the perfect interpersonal environment, bhakts found their bhagwan 🙏 

I will be keen to know what my fellow roadies got after driving down or by remaining plonked on the bed at home 🤔. 

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* Mahakumbh 2025 
* Uttar Pradesh Trails 
* How India Travels

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Patna to Dhanbad - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Patna to Dhanbad 

Patna (BR) ---- Dumri ---- Fatua crossroads ---- Sonaru ---- Bakhtiyarpur (Zero Mile) (BR) ---- Harnaut ---- Araut ---- Wena ---- Paithna Toll Plaza (BR) ---- Biharsharif (BR) ---- Pawapuri (BR) ---- Rajgir More (ROR: Rajgir) ---- Nawada (BR) ---- Rajauli (BR) ---- BR-JH border ---- Meghatori (JH) ---- Koderma (JH) ---- Charadih Chowk ---- Jhumri ---- Karma ---- Jhumri Tilaiya (Shubhas Chowk) (JH) ---- Capital University, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Aryan Hospital, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Chandwara (ROR: Koderma Thermal Power Station/ KTPS) ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza (JH) ---- Jhumri Tilaiya Dam and Reservoir ---- Jawahar Bridge over Barakar River ---- Bendgi ---- Barhi bypass (JH) (Intersection with NH19. Turn left. RA: Hazaribagh 37 kms, Ranchi 130 kms. ROR: Chouparan, Barachati, Sherghati, Dobhi 60 kns, Aurangabad 120 kms) (JH) ---- Gunjra More ---- Bagodar (JH) ---- Kulgo Toll Plaza on NH19 (JH) ---- Dumri (JH) (ROL: Giridih 43 kms, Madhupur 89 kms, Deoghar 104 kms) ---- Isri (JH) ---- Topchanchi flyover (JH) (Hotel Shan E Punjab on left of NH19) ---- Rajganj (ROR: Katras 8 kms, Bokaro Steel City 35 kms) ---- Gobindpur (JH) (Exit NH19. Turn right. ROL: Jamtara 42 kms, Dumka, Deoghar) ---- Dhanbad (JH) 

Distance From To: 
Patna to Dhanbad = 364 kms. 

Patna to Bakhtiyarpur (Zero Mile) = 50 kms. 
Bakhtiyarpur to Paithna Toll Plaza = 18 kms. 
Paithna Toll Plaza to Biharsharif = 12 kms. 
Biharsharif to Pawapuri = 15 kms. 
Pawapuri to Rajgir More = 20 kms. 
Rajgir More to Nawada = 18 kms. 
Nawada to Rajauli = 28 kms. 
Rajauli to Koderma = 29 kms. 
Koderma to Jhumri Tilaiya = 10 kms. 
Jhumri Tilaiya to Barhi = 21 kms. 
Barhi to Bagodar = 51 kms. 
Bagodar to Dumri = 25 kms. 
Dumri to Topchanchi = 22 kms. 
Topchanchi to Rajganj = 15 kms. 
Rajganj to Gobindpur = 20 kms. 
Gobindpur to  Dhanbad = 10 kms. 

* Bihar Trails 
* Jharkhand Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
- Skip Online Navigation Maps  
- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 


Patna to Barhi - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Patna to Barhi 

Patna (BR) ---- Dumri ---- Fatua crossroads ---- Sonaru ---- Bakhtiyarpur (Zero Mile) (BR) ---- Harnaut ---- Araut ---- Wena ---- Paithna Toll Plaza (BR) ---- Biharsharif (BR) ---- Pawapuri (BR) ---- Rajgir More (ROR: Rajgir) ---- Nawada (BR) ---- Rajauli (BR) ---- BR-JH border ---- Meghatori (JH) ---- Koderma (JH) ---- Charadih Chowk ---- Jhumri ---- Karma ---- Jhumri Tilaiya (Shubhas Chowk) (JH) ---- Capital University, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Aryan Hospital, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Chandwara (ROR: Koderma Thermal Power Station/ KTPS) ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza (JH) ---- Jhumri Tilaiya Dam and Reservoir ---- Jawahar Bridge over Barakar River ---- Bendgi ---- Barhi bypass (JH) (Intersection with NH19. RA: Hazaribagh 37 kms, Ranchi 130 kms. ROR: Chouparan, Barachati, Sherghati, Dobhi 60 kns, Aurangabad 120 kms. ROL: Dhanbad, Asansol, Durgapur, Kolkata) (JH) 

Distance From To: 
Patna to Barhi = 221 kms. 

Patna to Bakhtiyarpur (Zero Mile) = 50 kms. 
Bakhtiyarpur to Paithna Toll Plaza = 18 kms. 
Paithna Toll Plaza to Biharsharif = 12 kms. 
Biharsharif to Pawapuri = 15 kms. 
Pawapuri to Rajgir More = 20 kms. 
Rajgir More to Nawada = 18 kms. 
Nawada to Rajauli = 28 kms. 
Rajauli to Koderma = 29 kms. 
Koderma to Jhumri Tilaiya = 10 kms. 
Jhumri Tilaiya to Barhi = 21 kms. 

* Bihar Trails 
* Jharkhand Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
- Skip Online Navigation Maps  
- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 


Koderma to Asansol - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Koderma to Asansol 
Jhumri Tilaiya to Asansol 

Koderma (JH) ---- Charadih Chowk ---- Jhumri ---- Karma ---- Jhumri Tilaiya (Shubhas Chowk) (JH) ---- Capital University, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Aryan Hospital, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Chandwara (ROR: Koderma Thermal Power Station/ KTPS) ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza (JH) ---- Jhumri Tilaiya Dam and Reservoir ---- Jawahar Bridge over Barakar River ---- Bendgi ---- Barhi bypass (JH) (Intersection with NH19. Turn left. RA: Hazaribagh 37 kms, Ranchi 130 kms. ROR: Chouparan, Barachati, Sherghati, Dobhi 60 kns, Aurangabad 120 kms) (JH) ---- Gunjra More ---- Bagodar (JH) ---- Kulgo Toll Plaza on NH19 (JH) ---- Dumri (JH) (ROL: Giridih 43 kms, Madhupur 89 kms, Deoghar 104 kms) ---- Isri (JH) ---- Topchanchi flyover (JH) (Hotel Shan E Punjab on left of NH19) ---- Rajganj (ROR: Katras 8 kms, Bokaro Steel City 35 kms) ---- Gobindpur (JH) (ROR: Dhanbad 10 kms, Jharia. ROL: Jamtara 42 kms, Dumka, Deoghar) ---- Nirsa (JH) ---- Mugma ---- Kumardhubi (JH) (ROL: Maithon Dam) ---- Barakar River Bridge (JH-WB border) ---- Barakar Bypass (WB) (ROR: Barakar town 10 kms, Kulti, Sanctoria, Dishergarh, Baranti, Raghunathpur, Purulia. ROL: Kalyaneshwari Temple, Maithon Dam) ---- Neamatpur (ROL: Chittaranjan 14 kms. ROR: Disergarh 12 kms, Garhpanchakot 27 kms, Baranti 27 kms, Raghunathpur 40 kms, Purulia 80 kms) ---- Asansol (IOCL Jubilee Pump + Asansol Engineering College on right at Sen Raleigh crossing. ROR: Apcar Garden, Bhagat Singh More, Burnpur. ROL: Nala, Dumka 88 kms) ---- Kalla crossing (ROL: Kazi Nazrul University. ROR: Asansol Railway Station) ---- Asansol  Bypass (IOCL Asansol Energy Fuel Station, Ghagarburi on left of NH19) ---- Ghagarburi Kali Temple on left ---- Asansol (WB) (Kalipahari. ROR: Asansol town) 

Distance From To: 
Koderma to Asansol (Sen Raleigh crossing) = 213 kms. 

Koderma to Jhumri Tilaiya = 10 kms. 
Jhumri Tilaiya to Barhi = 21 kms. 
Barhi to Bagodar = 51 kms. 
Bagodar to Dumri = 25 kms. 
Dumri to Topchanchi = 22 kms. 
Topchanchi to Rajganj = 15 kms. 
Rajganj to Gobindpur = 20 kms. 
Gobindpur to Barakar bypass = 34 kms. 
Barakar River Bridge (JH-WB border) 
Neamatpur/ Niamatpur = 6 kms. 
Neamatpur/ Niamatpur to Asansol (Sen Raleigh crossing) = 9 kms. 

* Jharkhand Trails 
* West Bengal Trais 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used: 
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left. 
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes 
- Skip Online Navigation Maps 
- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 


Patna to Kolkata - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Motoring Route, Driving Route, best route for road trip

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Patna to Kolkata 

Patna (BR) ---- Dumri ---- Fatua crossroads ---- Sonaru ---- Bakhtiyarpur (Zero Mile) (BR) ---- Harnaut ---- Araut ---- Wena ---- Paithna Toll Plaza (BR) ---- Biharsharif (BR) ---- Pawapuri (BR) ---- Rajgir More (ROR: Rajgir) ---- Nawada (BR) ---- Rajauli (BR) ---- BR-JH border ---- Meghatori (JH) ---- Koderma (JH) ---- Charadih Chowk ---- Jhumri ---- Karma ---- Jhumri Tilaiya (Shubhas Chowk) (JH) ---- Capital University, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Aryan Hospital, Jhumri Tilaiya on left ---- Chandwara (ROR: Koderma Thermal Power Station/ KTPS) ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza (JH) ---- Jhumri Tilaiya Dam and Reservoir ---- Jawahar Bridge over Barakar River ---- Bendgi ---- Barhi bypass (JH) (Intersection with NH19. Turn left. RA: Hazaribagh 37 kms, Ranchi 130 kms. ROR: Chouparan, Barachati, Sherghati, Dobhi 60 kns, Aurangabad 120 kms) (JH) ---- Gunjra More ---- Bagodar (JH) ---- Kulgo Toll Plaza on NH19 (JH) ---- Dumri (JH) (ROL: Giridih 43 kms, Madhupur 89 kms, Deoghar 104 kms) ---- Isri (JH) ---- Topchanchi flyover (JH) (Hotel Shan E Punjab on left of NH19) ---- Rajganj (ROR: Katras 8 kms, Bokaro Steel City 35 kms) ---- Gobindpur (JH) (ROR: Dhanbad 10 kms, Jharia. ROL: Jamtara 42 kms, Dumka, Deoghar) ---- Nirsa (JH) ---- Mugma ---- Kumardhubi (JH) (ROL: Maithon Dam) ---- Barakar River Bridge (JH-WB border) ---- Barakar Bypass (WB) (ROR: Barakar town 10 kms, Kulti, Sanctoria, Dishergarh, Baranti, Raghunathpur, Purulia. ROL: Kalyaneshwari Temple, Maithon Dam) ---- Neamatpur (ROL: Chittaranjan 14 kms. ROR: Disergarh 12 kms, Garhpanchakot 27 kms, Baranti 27 kms, Raghunathpur 40 kms, Purulia 80 kms) ---- Asansol bypass starts (IOCL Jubilee Pump + Asansol Engineering College on right at Sen Raleigh crossing. ROR: Apcar Garden, Bhagat Singh More, Burnpur. ROL: Nala, Dumka 88 kms) ---- Kalla crossing (ROL: Kazi Nazrul University. ROR: Asansol Railway Station) ---- IOCL Asansol Energy Fuel Station, Ghagarburi on left of NH19 ---- Ghagarburi Kali Temple on left ---- Asansol bypass ends at Kalipahari (WB) (ROR: Asansol town) ---- Nigha/ Ninga ---- Chanda Morh ---- Searsole ---- Raniganj (Punjabi More) (ROR: Mejia 10 kms, Bankura 53 kms) ---- Andal (ROL: Ukhra) ---- Durgapur (City Center on left of NH19) ---- Durgapur (DVC More) (ROR: Durgapur Railway Station, Durgapur Barrage, Barjora, Bankura, Bishnupur) ---- Durgapur (Muchipara) (ROR: Durgapur Barrage 6 kms, Barjora 13 kms, Bankura 47 kms, Bishnupur 64 kms) ---- Banskopa Toll Plaza ---- Rajbandh (BPCL, IOCL oil terminal on right) ---- Panagarh bypass on NH19 (ROL near Kanksa: Illambazar 22 kms, Bolpur 40 kms, Shantiniketan, Dubrajpur 48 kms, Suri 70 kms) ---- Kanksa ---- Budbud ---- Galsi ---- Burdwan/ Bardhaman bypass (Nababhat) ---- Shaktigarh ---- Palsit Toll Plaza ---- BPCL COCO Gopalpur Filling Station, NH19, Gopalpur + Azad Hind Dhaba on left ---- Singur ---- Dankuni Toll Plaza, NH19, WB ---- Intersection of NH19 and NH16 ---- 
Option 1: Nivedita Setu Toll Plaza ---- Nivedita Setu over Hooghly River ---- Belgharia Expressway ---- NSCBI Airport ---- VIP Road ---- Laketown ---- Kolkata (Salt Lake Stadium) 
Option 2: Salap ---- Kona Expressway ---- Santragachi Railway Terminal on right of NH117 ---- Vidyasagar Setu Toll Plaza ---- Vidyasagar Setu ---- Kolkata (Victoria Memorial) 

Distance From To: 
Patna to Kolkata = 632 kms. 

Patna to Bakhtiyarpur (Zero Mile) = 50 kms. 
Bakhtiyarpur to Paithna Toll Plaza = 18 kms. 
Paithna Toll Plaza to Biharsharif = 12 kms. 
Biharsharif to Pawapuri = 15 kms. 
Pawapuri to Rajgir More = 20 kms. 
Rajgir More to Nawada = 18 kms. 
Nawada to Rajauli = 28 kms. 
Rajauli to Koderma = 29 kms. 
Koderma to Jhumri Tilaiya = 10 kms. 
Jhumri Tilaiya to Barhi = 21 kms. 
Barhi to Bagodar = 51 kms. 
Bagodar to Dumri = 25 kms. 
Dumri to Topchanchi = 22 kms. 
Topchanchi to Rajganj = 15 kms. 
Rajganj to Gobindpur = 20 kms. 
Gobindpur to Barakar bypass = 34 kms. 
Barakar River Bridge (JH-WB border) 
Neamatpur/ Niamatpur = 6 kms. 
Neamatpur/ Niamatpur to Asansol (Sen Raleigh crossing) = 9 kms. 
Asansol (IOC Jubilee Pump) to 
Asansol (Kalipahari) = 6 kms. 
Asansol (Kalipahari) to Raniganj = 13 kms. 
Raniganj (Punjabi More) to Durgapur (City Center)
 = 23 kms. 
Durgapur (City Center) to Durgapur Muchipara
 = 8 kms.  
Durgapur Muchipara to Banskopa Toll Plaza
 = 3 kms. 
Banskopa Toll Plaza to Panagarh bypass
 = 9 kms. 
Kanksa (Panagarh bypass) to Burdwan
 = 47 kms. 
Burdwan (Nababhat) to Shaktigarh
 = 20 kms. 
Shaktigarh to Palsit Toll Plaza
 = 7 kms. 
Palsit Toll Plaza to Dankuni Toll Plaza
 = 61 kms. 
Dankuni Toll Plaza to Kolkata (Hyatt Regency Hotel, Salt Lake) (via. NSCBI Holiday Inn Express)
 = 32 kms. 

* Bihar Trails 
* Jharkhand Trails 
* West Bengal Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
- Skip Online Navigation Maps  
- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 


Road trip to Bodhgaya, Nalanda, Rajgir from Kolkata in October 2023

During the Durga Puja vacation in October 2023, we went for a road trip from Kolkata to Bodhgaya, Nalanda, Rajgir and back involving 6 days. 

Day 1: Started from Behala in South Kolkata at 5 am. From Behala the distance to Bodhgaya was 490 kms.  NH19 was pretty good other than few bad patches upto Panagarh for road widening work. Breakfast stop was at a dhaba near Durgapur and lunch break was at Shree Parivaar Hotel and Resort, Barhi for lunch. It took 9.5 hrs from home to reach Bodhgaya at 4 pm. Stay was at Bodhgaya Regency Hotel. Later in the evening visited the Mahabodhi Temple, Bodhi Tree.

Day 2 : Visited the Great Buddha Statue, Thai Monastery, Royal Bhutan Monastery, Indosan Nippon Japanese Temple, Metta Buddharam, Bodhgaya Archaeological Museum, Sujata Stupa, Dungeshwari Cave Temple. The Thai and Chinese food at Sujata Restaurant was good. 

Day 3 : Started for Nalanda after breakfast. It was a 90 kms drive and took 3 hrs. Enroute  stop was at the Dashrath Manjhi Dwar. It was a very scenic and enjoyable drive. Reached Nalanda around 11 lam, visited Black Buddha Nalanda, Xuan Zang (Hsuen Tsang) Memorial and the Nalanda ruins. Also visited the Mahavir Mandir at Pawapuri. Reached Rajgir to check in at Indo-Hokke Hotel with good ambience, spacious rooms, healthy breakfast and nice views.

Day 4 : Spent the day in and around Rajgir visiting Cyclopean Wall, Saptaparni Caves, Rajgir Ropeway, Vishwa Shanti Stupa, Sonabhandar, Bimbisara's Jail, Chariot Tracks, Rajgir Hot spring. All these places are within a radius of 15 to 20 kms from the hotel in Rajgir. Had lunch in the Jungle restaurant. In the evening, went to Veerayatan which was just a short walk from the hotel. 

Day 5 : Visited Rajgir Nature and Zoo Safari including the Suspension and the Glass Bridge. Tickets should be booked online in advance. This being a major attraction in Rajgir, it's pretty crowded. In the evening, drove to the Ghora Katora Lake for a view of the beautiful sunset.

Day 6: Left Rajgir for home in Kolkata after breakfast. Drove to Jhumri Tilaiya and onwards to Barhi and then via NH19 back home to Kolkata. It was a drive of 520 kms where the roads are mostly 4 lane and in good condition. Even the ghat roads were good. Stopped near the Tilaiya Dam photos. Lunch stop for authentic Bengali food was at the Citi Residency Hotel in Asansol. It took around 12.5 hours including breaks to reach home. 

Courtesy: Ananda Sarkar

Ranchi to Barhi - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Ranchi to Barhi 

Ranchi (JH) (Lalpur Chowk) ---- Sarala Birla University, Tatisilwai on left of ring road ---- Sarala Birla Public School, Mahilong on left of ring road ---- Turn right at the next crossing on Ranchi-Purulia Road ---- Dwarika Hospital on right ---- Tatisilwai Chowk ---- Ranchi Ring Road Toll Plaza (CF49+246, Ranchi Ring Rd, JH 835103) -----Exit Ranchi Ring Road at Neori Chowk. Turn right ---- Medanta Hospital on left ---- Ormanjhi ---- Pundag Toll Plaza ---- Ramgarh Cantonment ---- Kuju ---- Mandu (Jio BP filling station) ---- Hazaribagh bypass (JH) ---- Barhi (Intersection with NH19, ROR: Bagodar, Topchanchi, Dhanbad, Asansol, Kolkata. RA: Jhumri Tilaiya, Nawada, Bakhtiyarpur, Patna. ROL: Aurangabad, Sasaram, Varanasi, Kanpur) 

Jamshedpur to Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) = 109 kms. 
Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) to Neori Chowk (Ranchi Ring Road) = 26 kms. 
Neori Chowk to Ramgarh Cantt bypass (Damodar River Bridge) =  30 kms. 
Ramgarh Cantt bypass (Damodar River Bridge) to Barhi =  101 kms. 

* Jharkhand Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
- Skip Online Navigation Maps  
- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 

Jamshedpur to Hazaribagh - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Jamshedpur to Hazaribagh 
Jamshedpur to Ramgarh 
Jamshedpur to Ormanjhi 

Jamshedpur (Mango on NH33) ---- Chandil ---- Ghoraling (Chandil Dam on right) ---- Rargaon ---- Ulidih ---- Tamar ---- Bundu ---- Taimara ---- Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Rampur (turn right to start driving on Ranchi Ring Road) (RA: Ranchi city) ---- Sarala Birla University, Tatisilwai on left of ring road ---- Sarala Birla Public School, Mahilong on left of ring road ---- Turn right at the next crossing on Ranchi-Purulia Road ---- Dwarika Hospital on right ---- Tatisilwai Chowk ---- Ranchi Ring Road Toll Plaza (CF49+246, Ranchi Ring Rd, JH 835103) -----Exit Ranchi Ring Road at Neori Chowk. Turn right ---- Medanta Hospital on left ---- Ormanjhi ---- Pundag Toll Plaza ---- Ramgarh Cantonment ---- Kuju ---- Mandu (Jio BP filling station) ---- Hazaribagh bypass (JH) 

Jamshedpur to Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) = 109 kms. 
Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) to Neori Chowk (Ranchi Ring Road) = 26 kms. 
Neori Chowk to Ramgarh Cantt bypass (Damodar River Bridge) =  30 kms. 
Ramgarh Cantt bypass (Damodar River Bridge) to Barhi =  101 kms. 

* Jharkhand Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
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- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 

Jamshedpur to Ranchi - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Jamshedpur to Ranchi 

Jamshedpur (Mango on NH33) (JH) ---- Chandil ---- Ghoraling (Chandil Dam on right) ---- Rargaon ---- Ulidih ---- Tamar (JH) ---- Bundu ---- Taimara ---- Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Rampur (turn right to start driving on Ranchi Ring Road) ---- Ranchi (JH)

Jamshedpur to Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) = 109 kms. 

* Jharkhand Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
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- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 

Ranchi to Mirzapur -

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Ranchi to Mirzapur 

Ranchi - Garhwa - Renukoot - 

Ranchi to Gorakhpur -

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Ranchi to Gorakhpur 
(Ranchi to Gorakhpur): 

Ranchi ---- Barhi ---- Aurangabad ---- Varanasi ---- Azamgarh ---- Gorakhpur 

Monday, 24 February 2025

Jamshedpur to Patna - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Jamshedpur to Patna 

Jamshedpur (Mango on NH33) ---- Chandil ---- Ghoraling (Chandil Dam on right) ---- Rargaon ---- Ulidih ---- Tamar ---- Bundu ---- Taimara ---- Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Rampur (turn right to start driving on Ranchi Ring Road) (RA: Ranchi city) ---- Sarala Birla University, Tatisilwai on left of ring road ---- Sarala Birla Public School, Mahilong on left of ring road ---- Turn right at the next crossing on Ranchi-Purulia Road ---- Dwarika Hospital on right ---- Tatisilwai Chowk ---- Ranchi Ring Road Toll Plaza (CF49+246, Ranchi Ring Rd, JH 835103) -----Exit Ranchi Ring Road at Neori Chowk. Turn right ---- Medanta Hospital on left ---- Ormanjhi ---- Pundag Toll Plaza ---- Ramgarh Cantonment ---- Kuju ---- Mandu (Jio BP filling station) ---- Hazaribagh bypass (JH) ---- Barhi (Intersection with NH19, ROR: Bagodar, Topchanchi, Dhanbad, Asansol, Kolkata. RA: Jhumri Tilaiya, Nawada, Bakhtiyarpur, Patna. ROL: Aurangabad, Sasaram, Varanasi, Kanpur) ---- 

Distance From To: 
Jamshedpur to Patna =  kms. 

Jamshedpur to Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) = 109 kms. 
Rampur (Bhagwan Birsa Chowk, Ranchi Ring Road) to Neori Chowk (Ranchi Ring Road) = 26 kms. 
Neori Chowk to Ramgarh Cantt bypass (Damodar River Bridge) =  30 kms. 
Ramgarh Cantt bypass (Damodar River Bridge) to Barhi =  101 kms. 
Barhi to Jhumri Tilaiya Dam = 14 kms. 
Jhumri Tilaiya Dam to Nawada = 73 kms. 
Nawada to Rajgir More =  kms. 

* Jharkhand Trails 
* Bihar Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used:  in Motoring Routes Of India, Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Motoring Route, Driving Route:
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
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- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 

Kolkata to Rajgir - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Kolkata to Rajgir 

Kolkata (Salt Lake Stadium) ---- NSCBI Airport ---- Belgharia Expressway ---- Nivedita Setu over Hooghly River ---- Nivedita Setu Toll Plaza ---- Intersection of NH19 and NH16 ---- Dankuni Toll Plaza, NH19, WB ---- Durgapur Expressway starts. Keep driving on NH19 upto Allahabad bypass --- Singur ---- BPCL COCO Gopalpur Filling Station, NH19, Gopalpur + Azad Hind Dhaba on left --- Palsit Toll Plaza --- Shaktigarh ---- Burdwan/ Bardhaman bypass (Nababhat) ---- Galsi ---- Budbud ---- Kanksa ---- Panagarh bypass on NH19 (ROR: Illambazar 22 kms, Bolpur 40 kms, Shantiniketan, Dubrajpur 48 kms, Suri 70 kms) --- Rajbandh (BPCL, IOCL oil terminal on left) ---- Banskopa Toll Plaza ---- Durgapur (Muchipara) (ROL: Durgapur Barrage 6 kms, Barjora 13 kms, Bankura 47 kms, Bishnupur 64 kms) ---- Durgapur (DVC More) (ROL: Durgapur Railway Station, Durgapur Barrage, Barjora, Bankura, Bishnupur) ---- Durgapur (City Center on right of NH19) (WB) ---- Andal ---- Raniganj (Punjabi More) (ROL: Mejia 10 kms, Bankura 53 kms) ---- Searsole ---- Chanda Morh ---- Nigha/ Ninga ---- Asansol bypass starts (WB) (Kalipahari flyover on NH19. ROL: Asansol town) ---- Ghagarburi Kali Temple on right ---- Asansol bypass (IOCL Asansol Energy Fuel Station, Ghagarburi on right of NH19) ---- Kalla crossing (ROR: Kazi Nazrul University. ROL: Asansol Railway Station) ---- Asansol bypass ends (IOCL Jubilee Pump + Asansol Engineering College on left at Sen Raleigh crossing. ROL: Apcar Garden, Bhagat Singh More, Burnpur. ROR: Nala, Dumka 88 kms) (WB) ---- Neamatpur Dendua 4-point crossing (RA: Dhanbad, Varanasi, Kanpur, Agra, Delhi. Avoid ROR: Rupnarayanpur, Chittaranjan 14 kms. Avoid ROL: Disergarh/ Dishergarh 12 kms, Garhpanchakot 27 kms, Baranti 27 kms, Raghunathpur 40 kms, Purulia 80 kms) ---- Barakar Bypass (WB) (ROL: Barakar town 10 kms, Kulti, Sanctoria, Dishergarh, Baranti, Raghunathpur, Purulia. ROR: Kalyaneshwari Temple, Maithon Dam) ---- Barakar River Bridge (WB-JH border) ---- Kumardhubi (JH) (ROR: Maithon Dam) ---- Mugma ---- Nirsa (JH) ---- Gobindpur (JH) (ROL: Dhanbad 10 kms, Jharia. RA: Sasaram, Varanasi. ROR: Jamtara 42 kms, Dumka, Deoghar) ---- Rajganj (ROL: Katras 8 kms, Bokaro Steel City 35 kms, Chaas) ---- Topchanchi flyover (JH) (Hotel Shan E Punjab on right of NH19) ---- Isri ---- Dumri (JH) (ROR: Giridih 43 kms, Madhupur 89 kms, Deoghar 104 kms) ---- Kulgo Toll Plaza on NH19 (JH) ---- Bagodar ---- Gunjra More ---- Barhi bypass (JH) (Exit NH19. Turn right. ROR: Koderma 31 kms, Nawada 90 kms, Patna 200 kms. ROL: Hazaribagh 37 kms, Ranchi 130 kms. RA: Chouparan, Barachati, Sherghati, Dobhi 60 kms, Aurangabad 120 kms) (JH) ---- Bendgi ---- Jawahar Bridge over Barakar River ---- Jhumri Tilaiya Dam and Reservoir (JH) ---- Madangundi Toll Plaza ---- Chandwara (ROR: Koderma Thermal Power Station/ KTPS) ---- Aryan Hospital, Jhumri Tilaiya on right ---- Capital University, Jhumri Tilaiya on right --- Jhumri Tilaiya (Shubhas Chowk) (JH) ---- Karma ---- Jhumri ---- Charadih Chowk ---- Koderma (JH) 

Kolkata to Massanjore - Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route

Indian Roadie Preferred Route, Best Route For Road Trip, Best Intercity Driving Route, Motoring Route from 

Kolkata to Massanjore Dam

Kolkata (Salt Lake Stadium) ---- NSCBI Airport ---- Belgharia Expressway ---- Nivedita Setu over Hooghly River ---- Nivedita Setu Toll Plaza ---- Intersection of NH19 and NH16 ---- Dankuni Toll Plaza ---- Durgapur Expressway starts. Keep driving on NH19 upto Allahabad bypass --- Singur ---- BPCL COCO Gopalpur Filling Station, NH19, Gopalpur + Azad Hind Dhaba on left --- Palsit Toll Plaza --- Shaktigarh ---- Burdwan/ Bardhaman bypass (Nawabhat) ---- Galsi ---- Budbud ---- Kanksa ---- Panagarh bypass on NH19 (ROR: Illambazar 22 kms, Bolpur 40 kms, Shantiniketan, Dubrajpur 48 kms, Suri 70 kms) (Exit NH19. Turn right. RA: Durgapur, Varanasi, Delhi) ---- Ajoy River bridge ---- Ilambazar/ Illambazar (Avoid RA to Bolpur) ---- Dubrajpur ---- Suri (WB) ---- Tilpara Barrage over Mayurakshi River (WB) ---- Seorakuri More (Exit NH14. Turn left. Avoid RA to Mohammad Bazar, Rampurhat, Morgram) ---- Natundihi (WB-JH border) ---- Ranigram (JH) ---- Massanjore Dam (JH) 
Distance From To: 
Kolkata to Massanjore Dam 
(Kolkata_Massanjore) = 270 kms. 

Kolkata (Hyatt Regency Hotel, Salt Lake) to Dankuni Toll Plaza (via. NSCBI Holiday Inn Express) 
(Kolkata_DankuniTollPlaza) = 32 kms. 
Dankuni Toll Plaza to Palsit Toll Plaza 
(DankuniTollPlaza_PalsitTollPlaza) = 61 kms. 
Palsit Toll Plaza to Shaktigarh 
(PalsitTollPlaza_Shaktigarh) = 7 kms. 
Shaktigarh to Burdwan bypass (Nawabhat) 
(Shaktigarh_Burdwan) = 20 kns. 
Burdwan to Kanksa (Panagarh bypass) 
(Burdwan_Panagarh) = 47 kms. 
Panagarh to Illambazar 
(Panagarh_Illambazar) = 22 kms. 
Illambazar to Dubrajpur
(Illambazar_Dubrajpur) = 26 kms. 
Dubrajpur to Suri 
(Dubrajpur_Suri) = 22 kms. 
Suri to Seorakuri More 
(Suri_Seorakuri) = 5 kms. 
Seorakuri More to Massanjore 
(Seorakuri_Massanjore) = 28 kms. 

* West Bengal Trails 
* Jharkhand Trails 

Note: These are user generated best routes. 

Abbreviations used: 
RA = Road Ahead.
ROR = Road on Right.
ROL = Road on Left.
NH = National Highway.
SH = State Highway.
NE = National Expressway.  

Offline Driving Routes In One Page 
- Best Intercity Driving Routes  
- Skip Online Navigation Maps  
- User Generated Best Routes 

* Motoring Routes of India, Best Route For Road Trip are initiatives by Indian Roadie (India's most admired road travel and automotive forum for matured roadies) and Marketingpundit. 

P.S: Search thousands of accurate and best route options for road trips throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan in: 
