Monday 1 April 2024

Never ever trust a pre-owned car dealer

Never trust a pre-owned car dealer even if he is a blood relation or even if you have known him/her for ages. Never trust a mechanic or a self proclaimed car expert/ enchutiast if such a person is introduced to you by the dealer. 
If at all you intend to buy a pre-owned car, buy one directly from an owner after careful inspection and plentiful of cross checks. It might even take you close to 10 months or more of dedicated search to find a 'genuine' seller of a quality pre-owned car owned by the person or by his/her spouse or children. Beware of people who masquerade as persons who are selling on behalf of their chacha, fufa, mama, jija, etc. Fiddling with the mobile to find a pre-owned car can't be your lone methodology to find a seller who's eager to sell. Spread the word around that you are on the lookout for a pre-owned car. Talk to more and more people. If you don't have the time or talking  to people is downright non-technical for you, stop dreaming of owning a pre-owned car. 
Moreover, don't trust a mechanic blindly. The mechanic although known to you and  paid a fee by you, more often than not will take cut money from the existing owner to lie, suppress glitches. 
Let it be known that preconceived notions about demo/ test drive cars should be avoided are outright ill-founded. 
Preconceived notions about a car in Mumbai or Chennai or Kochi can have serious rusting issues and that a car in Ratlam or Ambala or Nagpur or Kolkata can't have rusting issues because of it's distance from the sea are pure nonsense. A car in Asansol or Katni or Tirupur or Ludhiana, etc can be so phenomenally rusted that it can shock you. 
I am NOT going to hint or elaborate on the reasons any further. 
Use your intuition and God gifted intelligence (if any) to make a final decision. 
* Used Cars Buying And Selling 
* PreOwned Car Market Reality 
* Indian Roadie PreOwned Car Buying Hacks

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