Wednesday 15 March 2023

Tata Altroz owner crashed and thanked Ratan Tata

FaBo threw up another case of a DKL (desh ka loha/ vocal for local) Altroz owner who banged his car into another car in March 2023 and felt proud of it 😡. 

Insights study of typical behavioral traits of most nouveau rich first time car buyers reveal that they mostly choose brands from Tata Motors passenger vehicles because they strongly believe that the NCAP rating will save their lives after crashing their cars. Listed below are how they use their cars and how they behave after crashing. 

First, one particular brand of DKL owners go about banging their cars on all other road users to check the build quality of their DKL. Nobody does that intentionally, it's just that they are irresponsible and incapable drivers who are NOT #HighOnCognition. 

Second, they thank the octogenarian Chairman of the company that manufactured the car. 

Third, the ones who crash are mostly nouveau rich first time car buyers. After crashing realization dawns into them that a substantial sum of money will have to be spent from their savings. Naturally, they go about asking every Tom, Dick and Harry on social media about possible expenses to get their DKL roadworthy. It has been observed that fanbois of the brand  comment figures which are far from reality. 

Fourth, the owner of the incapacitated DKL starts enquiring about insurance claim procedures and the possible outgo from pocket. 

Fifth, the DKL owner gets back his car from the workshop after 3 - 5 months with the feeling that he has got back his car in factory finish condition, which in reality is far from truth. 

Indian Roadie is committed to seeing matured roadies and not fanbois on road! There will be no stop in exposing the wrongdoers (squid drivers). 

Drive responsibly. You don't have to test everything what the car manufacturers claim. Always remember that #BuildQualityOfDriversBrainMatters. 
#IndianRoadie is committed to spreading this message for the well being of every road user. 

P.S: Needless to mention, there are a lot of responsible and matured DKL owners. It should be their responsibility to correct the squid drivers who bring shame to the responsible ones. Instead of feeling offended, the responsible ones should use social media to correct their irresponsible brethrens. 
* Squid Drivers 
* Indian Roadie Wants Safer Drivers In India  
* Safer Drivers For Indian Roads

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