Soujit Ghatak was about to enter Kolkata via the Nivedita Setu over Hooghly River on Monday, 2019-11-25 morning while driving his Honda Amaze. He was alone in the car.
While driving past a 10 wheel truck, the tyre of one of the rear outer wheels of the heavy vehicle burst.
Ghatak had his seat belt fastened and windows rolled up.
Nevertheless he sustained serious skin and bone injuries to the extent that he had to be taken to hospital. The exterior and interiors of the door, window glass and windshield were badly damaged.
There's nothing that Ghatak could have done to avoid this scary and traumatizing but freak mishap.
P.S: There's usually a solid iron ring which holds the tyres of large commercial vehicles in place on the rims. During tyres bursts, the ring normally tends to fly off like missiles in any direction.
Very unnerving, isn't it?
* Mishap And Calamity